somewhere in indiana, a 26 yr old man named "edward" and his pop, also named "edward", tried to bypass the chumps* in line at the check-out counter and cut into the line. a man named "chris", who was waiting in the line with his wife and daughter, told the dos edwards to wait their turn. little edward then proceeded to tell chris to mind his own business and asked chris if he wanted to take the dispute outside. chris asked little eddie what his intentions were and little eddie specified the statement by saying he would kick his "posterior" and possibly shoot him. that's when chris, not only a Wal-Mart shopper, but an off-duty police officer, called that emergency dispatchers and requested the presence of an on-duty cop. in response, zwei edwards decided they had enough and tried to leave the scene. chris stood behind auto d'edwards to hold them there until the on-duty cops arrived. sooo, big edman decided to strike the off-duty cop, hitting the cop's leg. then, little edwardo decided to add insult to injury and try to fight the cop.
[Link to the article written by people that don't depend on spellcheck]needless to say, there are two more edmeister's in the clink, and i wish this would happen to all line cutters. i think more off-duty cops should scour the streets and rid communities of the self-righteous, self-centered, self selfishers. YOU GO, OFFICER KIRBY!
*the term "chumps," in this context, refers to people that feel the need to follow societies rules and wait for service behind other people that have been also waiting for service for a longer duration of time than the forementioned people. what a bunch of chumps...
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