Wednesday, January 7, 2009

give me words, i'll give you a new hit sticom and decide which network it should be on.

let's play this out like madlibs. if you give me the following words, i will provide a show concept, target demographic, time slot and network. give me (via comments to this post):
  • 1 singular noun
  • 1 plural noun
  • 3 adjectives
  • 1 past tense verb
  • 1 present tense verb
  • 1 future verb
i'll post your show on my blog and when the fox network steals the idea, we can sue them together and we'll split the settlement moneys 80/20. mmkay?

now, start providing!

fine print: there is no expiration date on this offer, pending continued monitoring for updated comments by your truly. XO

1 comment:

Sarah Zielie said...

i missed this call. Can I still participate?