Wednesday, April 30, 2008

nuh-neh nuh-neh nuh-neh nuh-neh nuh-neh CATBUS!

i love the best of craigslist.

things you can do with a catbus
  • drive your 37 cats to the vet in one trip

  • run over mice or anything that looks like a mouse

  • ignore people that actually might pay attention to you

  • get sick on it

i'm kinda slow

put this on my tab, pawlenty!

so, i learned something new today. the state, and sometimes the cities, owns and operates municipal liquor stores!

about one city operated liquor store:
"The store is owned and managed by the City of [i delete]; profits from the liquor store directly support public services and projects. The store also serves as a means of control, ensuring that sales are made only to responsible adults."

now, i'd like to assume most privately owned liquor stores try to ensure sales are to individuals who are of age (unless they paid good money for a viable fake i.d.), AND i'd like to think that no booze Sundays and closing liquor stores at 8pm or 10pm every day of the week you can buy booze would be enough "control". apparently the pi$$ poor 3.2 beer and several additional state laws are not enough, but what do i know?

if only i could find where my mom hid my voter's registration card...

xbox 360 + blu-ray = world peace

more rumors are flying about blu-ray disc drives being manufactured for Xbox 360. and no, honey, as much of a tease as Xbox has been about blu-ray, we are still not going to get a ps3. its the principle of the matter. instead, how about i buy you a puppy in high-def? or we can figure out how to get those grandchildren my parents keep talking about. that'll keep you busy.

and here's a hit at ps3:

i enjoy nerd mockery

of course, its just because i'm jealous of how smart everyone else is, but it's also fun!

this video is Lenovo's mockery of the Macbook Air, as apparently the new streamlined, fit in a fat man's pocket airbook actually needs many components to actually get stuff done. i wouldn't really know. i'm just an online media person with some time on her hands.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


a dashing 3-year old has won the Minnesota Mullet competition. Minnesota is the hub of painful styles that just won't get put to sleep. God bless the state of hockey.

why is he standing like a 7-month woman with child?

There's only three real monsters kid: Dracula, Blacula, and the Son of Kahn

good god, i need this

an automatic ball thrower for dogs....nuf said.

naughty bird

Gillian Anderson. Maxim. X-Files 2.

pong's vermin of the week: mittens

Mitten's hails from Dowagiac, MI, and is the vermin of the week for having more toes than my cat, but not more than Alphonseca. CUBS WOO!

clarence thomas loves his mcmuffins

i heart radar magazine. does it love me back?

new article from a guy who got bored and decided to write to well known people and pretend to be a 10 year old boy named Billy.

new evidence that shows that Charles Manson really has his $hit together.