Sunday, November 16, 2008

snacking cheese taste test: pont l'eveque

i purchase an array snacking cheese from my local byerly's and today, i tried pont l'eveque. at first, i thought this was the best cheese i'd ever had. it is creamy, soft, velvety, pungeunt and meaty. upon the third bite, i started asking myself, "what is that strange aftertaste?" i quickly cat litter. seeing as my cat is currently 800+ miles away, i know it hasn't been aging in the the standard box, so, it must be the cheese's natural essence...will i try to eat it again? yes. will i not be able to erase the memory of litter aftertaste? yes. but the love for cheese requires me to push on. ONWARD!

Friday, November 7, 2008

things that i hate when i'm drunk: Gasthof's edition

while i still have an approximate .09 blood alcohol level, what's bothering me right now is what peopel think equates to "i don't want my daughter to learn that being with other women is ok " legistlation. i read an article earlier in the week about proposistion 8 and a man who voted for proposition 8 (he voted for saying tat marriage eettewee peopol of the same gender shouldn't be legal). he said that he didn't want his ddaughter to learn that its ok to be with another womena in school. my question is, "when did they start showing and/or talking about that in school? did i miss porn day? hetero porn day. " i think agreeing that homo or htero secuality is fine, owever sexuality exists ;) . i'm not sure i ever learned what is right or wrong ever cam into play. and, i surely don't remember it ever being wrong (hellloo, ladies).

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

mind your vote! (scary stuff, but please still vote!)

information from Emmy nominated 2006 "hacking democracy" documentary on HBO (this is taken from an IM convo i just had, so please excuse the choppiness):
  • the organizations, such as Diebold, that tally the electronic votes aren't required to share their methods and programming.
  • and a regular ole grandma was looking up information online about the voting process and stumbled upon their ftp. after 40 hours of downloading, she had downloaded the basics of the software and system. so, she took it to some computer science folks. they decoded it and realized how many ways it can be hacked.
  • AND each district gets a little printout of the # of votes to doublecheck ballots against (as a failsafe) and the printouts could be hacked.
  • AND the official printouts from the district had inaccuracies (date, title of the printout, time, etc).
  • basically, they save everything to a memory card, and if you hack the memory card. for instance, installing dormant software on the memory card so that on election day, the memory card automatically has -20k votes for obama, and +20k votes for mccain, it will zero out and not be able to be detected.
  • AND one of the biggest companies that implements the software for the government has records that show that they didn't test for security on the machines or the memory cards.
  • in 2000, a county in ohio had gore having -16,022 votes. not sure how anyone has negative votes.
  • and they recorded the recount on video and the people in charge of the recount said that it was “just for show” and that because they only technically have to recount 3%, they had already handpicked "randomly" the votes that the citizens would recount.
to learn more, netflix "hacking democracy," or go to:

Monday, November 3, 2008

quick blurb: why i can no longer have faith in people on tv.

johnny carson's lawyer has announced he's writing a tell-all book about what a horrible person johnny carson was. now, i'm all for the truth and i understand this man wants to make some money on the side, but i like my image of johnny carson right now. it just makes me sad to think that you always have to think twice before you think positively about the people on tv.

how far would you go for mattel beauty?

a british woman has now broken the record for the number of plastic surgeries to look like a barbie doll with 100 surgeries. congrats, sarah burge. your hobby is about as healthy as collecting shower drain hair covered in asbestos and lead paint.
she's 49, and i'll admit she looks young for her age. but here's the kicker: she even had ner nipples removed. i'm guessing the next step is making sure that each limb is only held on by a round plastic ball joint and melding your fingers together.