Wednesday, January 7, 2009

the more you know: pledging for ada lovelace

ada lovelace was one of the world's first computer programmers, and there is a current blogging campaign for MARCH 24TH dedicated to highlighting women in technology. basically, that whole saying of "as a woman, you have to work twice as hard to get half the credit (compared to our y chromosoned-endowed counterparts)" is translating into a day where bloggers with all sorts of chromosones are encouraged to write about a pioneering woman in technology. 355 bloggers having signed up and the informative website's goal is to have 1,000. since perez hilton (ugh) and lindsay lohan's myspace blog don't count, i will have to do my homework. i'd love it if you would join me. i'll probably also be writing about people that annoy me, but i'll sprinkle it in there somehow.
learn more and pledge HERE

don't know if this helps convince you, but the woman behind this campaign is Suw Charman-Anderson, from Wikipedia: "former Executive Director of the Open Rights Group,[citation needed] a campaign group based in London. She is also a journalist, social software consultant, blogger and public speaker"

an update from 5 minutes later: so far, googling "women inventors" has mostly come up with baby carriers and cookie inventors. this will be harder than i thought.

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