Friday, May 14, 2010

another one bites the dust.

i'm starting to think i'm tv ratings poison. it was announced a couple days ago that 'happy town' is being cancelled, final episode to air june 30th. i learned this while i was catching up on the second episode that i've ever watched.

what other series have i killed (or loved & lost)?
  1. Pushing Daisies. It was soooo good, it hurt. it was dramatic, without being soapy. it was vivid without being overwhelming. it was cute without being sickly sweet. there was nothing else like it. and it frightened people. i think people thought it was too weird. figures.
  2. dead like me. this is one that i more watched off and on, and then it was dead.
  3. ugly betty. granted, this show really didn't have anywhere to go, but i still really liked the characters, and was sad to see it end.
  4. futurama. i didn't really start watching this until it was on adult swim, but now i realize it is my favorite show of all time. thank jebus it's coming back at the end of june.
  5. arrested development. everyone knows this was cancelled way too early.
  6. twin peaks. i'll never get over this cancellation. it's haunting. it had a great run, and i still love watching old episodes.
  7. terminator. i started off being into this, then i realized the actress playing the mom was only like 11 years older than the guy playing her son. i understand it got better, and i would have come back, but it was too late.
  8. freaks and geeks. i have to be in a mood to watch this, but this really was an amazing show
  9. the tonight show with conan o'brien. team coco
  10. UPDATED 5/15: Heroes. all the potential, no delivery.
i know there are loads more, but these are the ones i can think of. sniffle. pushing daisies was the saddest cancellation for me.

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