Sunday, December 21, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
for my fellow fans of House of Sushi & Noodles in Chicago

LINK to article
why the things offend you shows how stupid and unaware you are...

- equal opportunity minorities on tv: we all want advertising to show us. people that look like us. shit, they should just put me in ads. and why doesn't mercedes want to advertise to me and my asian brothers, especially when asian's consider mercedes to be the "it" car when they make it on their own (a la mary tyler moore)? to be honest, it's because we make up less than 5%of the u.s. population. so, if we need the world to be fair, 5% of media should have asians somewhere in it. trailers for harold & kumar movies have helped meet that quota already. good work, kal pen (who has helped asian america exceed quota by having a permanent role on 'House').
- women doing "women things": what seems to offend women is when you market to them about tampons, cleaning products and jewelry. let's think really hard about this one. first, tampons. exhibit a: it's really hard to market tampons to men. exhibit b: there's no "hip" way to talk about menstruation. if you really wanted advertising to keep it real when they talk about tampons, they could just run that one scene from "The Shining" on a loop. you know the one. second, cleaning products. keeping it real, of the boyfriends i've had in my life, 99% (of the one hundred boyfriend's i've had) do not care if their shoes/clothes stink, if their face shavings coat the bathroom sink like a 3" layer of snow, if they've run out of dishes, if their milk is expired, stray pubes fly like tumble weed in the bathroom, the toilet seat and floor around it were not originally yellow, or if the pizza they ordered 3 weeks ago that's sitting on the coffee table has turned black. and i think it's perfectly fine that those things don't bother them. it does bother me, so tell me what i need to do to get rid of the pee, fur, and stink and i'll do it. i love my hub, and i love him how he is. he helps me with housework, but he could really care less if he has to clean the inside of the toilet with the magic eraser or a toilet brush. and finally, jewelry. i'm not a fan of wearing much jewelry, i admit. but i know a lot of women who LOVE jewelry. part of it could be that they didn't grow up with much and it's their way of feeling special and important. part of it could be that they like shiny things. when you take things to extremes, no, it's probably not healthy if your self-esteem is based on how many karats you're wearing. but, if it makes my mom feel like she really means a lot to us when we buy her a white gold locket, it's a small price to pay, really. and i don't see much wrong with that.
- men are stupid: does the tv tell you you're stupid? BAD TV! ok, seriously, you need to get a pair. so, men want to be offended that ads show them either fucking up a home improvement project or being over enthusiastic about sports. who cares? does another ad show you sleep with chicago bears face paint and pajamas on? who cares? men, do you think that falling off a ladder or cheering for your sports make you stupid? or, more importantly, do you think that if an ad tells you that you're stupid for falling off a ladder or cheering for your team makes you stupid? i've fallen off plenty ladders, and i feel just smart enough. :) get over it. don't take it personally. and if a woman wants to tell you that it was stupid to get depressed about your winless detroit lions, remind her of the season finale of 'grey's' that had her locked up in her room for 3 days. that'll show her.
side note: i did have to stop watching 'i now pronounce you chuck and larry' for the moronic, mr. yunioshi impersonation by rob schneider. i do get offended and i certainly have limits. i'll probably revisit this again another day.
Friday, December 12, 2008
interesting segment of an ant documentary
this is what the internal structure of an underground grass cutter ant colony looks like. very cool.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
when manufacturers watch old SNL skits: someone made the Love Toilet

remember the skit from SNL in the 80's with Kevin Nealon and Victoria Jackson for the Niagra Love Toilet? (i tried to find video or image, but came up short).
for $1,400, you can actually buy it here: LINK
husband, i love you but there are so many places our love can survive. the bathroom is not one of those places.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
it's about time i tell you about "pushing daisies"
my heart breaks a little every time i think about how "pushing daisies" will soon be gone. it is the best show that no one watched, except for me and about 70k die-hard fans. it's adorable, smart, funny, stunning, vivid, and i've fallen in love with every character and every set. they just don't make shows like this, not even anymore, it's ever. they've never made a show like this, and i'm sad to think they will stop and they will get cancelled.
so, if you're free Wednesday night, or if you have some free space in your netflix queue, or have time to stop by the site, i invite you to watch. it will make you grin, if nothing else.
so, if you're free Wednesday night, or if you have some free space in your netflix queue, or have time to stop by the site, i invite you to watch. it will make you grin, if nothing else.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
there is animal cops houston abuse, and there's this

how awesome is this: beard hat...
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
snacking cheese taste test: pont l'eveque
i purchase an array snacking cheese from my local byerly's and today, i tried pont l'eveque. at first, i thought this was the best cheese i'd ever had. it is creamy, soft, velvety, pungeunt and meaty. upon the third bite, i started asking myself, "what is that strange aftertaste?" i quickly cat litter. seeing as my cat is currently 800+ miles away, i know it hasn't been aging in the the standard box, so, it must be the cheese's natural essence...will i try to eat it again? yes. will i not be able to erase the memory of litter aftertaste? yes. but the love for cheese requires me to push on. ONWARD!
Friday, November 7, 2008
things that i hate when i'm drunk: Gasthof's edition
while i still have an approximate .09 blood alcohol level, what's bothering me right now is what peopel think equates to "i don't want my daughter to learn that being with other women is ok " legistlation. i read an article earlier in the week about proposistion 8 and a man who voted for proposition 8 (he voted for saying tat marriage eettewee peopol of the same gender shouldn't be legal). he said that he didn't want his ddaughter to learn that its ok to be with another womena in school. my question is, "when did they start showing and/or talking about that in school? did i miss porn day? hetero porn day. " i think agreeing that homo or htero secuality is fine, owever sexuality exists ;) . i'm not sure i ever learned what is right or wrong ever cam into play. and, i surely don't remember it ever being wrong (hellloo, ladies).
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
mind your vote! (scary stuff, but please still vote!)
information from Emmy nominated 2006 "hacking democracy" documentary on HBO (this is taken from an IM convo i just had, so please excuse the choppiness):
- the organizations, such as Diebold, that tally the electronic votes aren't required to share their methods and programming.
- and a regular ole grandma was looking up information online about the voting process and stumbled upon their ftp. after 40 hours of downloading, she had downloaded the basics of the software and system. so, she took it to some computer science folks. they decoded it and realized how many ways it can be hacked.
- AND each district gets a little printout of the # of votes to doublecheck ballots against (as a failsafe) and the printouts could be hacked.
- AND the official printouts from the district had inaccuracies (date, title of the printout, time, etc).
- basically, they save everything to a memory card, and if you hack the memory card. for instance, installing dormant software on the memory card so that on election day, the memory card automatically has -20k votes for obama, and +20k votes for mccain, it will zero out and not be able to be detected.
- AND one of the biggest companies that implements the software for the government has records that show that they didn't test for security on the machines or the memory cards.
- in 2000, a county in ohio had gore having -16,022 votes. not sure how anyone has negative votes.
- and they recorded the recount on video and the people in charge of the recount said that it was “just for show” and that because they only technically have to recount 3%, they had already handpicked "randomly" the votes that the citizens would recount.
Monday, November 3, 2008
quick blurb: why i can no longer have faith in people on tv.
johnny carson's lawyer has announced he's writing a tell-all book about what a horrible person johnny carson was. now, i'm all for the truth and i understand this man wants to make some money on the side, but i like my image of johnny carson right now. it just makes me sad to think that you always have to think twice before you think positively about the people on tv.
how far would you go for mattel beauty?

a british woman has now broken the record for the number of plastic surgeries to look like a barbie doll with 100 surgeries. congrats, sarah burge. your hobby is about as healthy as collecting shower drain hair covered in asbestos and lead paint.
she's 49, and i'll admit she looks young for her age. but here's the kicker: she even had ner nipples removed. i'm guessing the next step is making sure that each limb is only held on by a round plastic ball joint and melding your fingers together.
Friday, October 31, 2008
happy halloween, folks!

random ouija facts:
- forms of "ouija boards" (planchette's with a small "pointing device) have been documented as far back as 1200 BC in China
- the man who co-created Alcoholics Anonymous, Bill Wilson, claims a spirit actually created the 12 step process and he just documented it.
- iPod's can be used as an electronic Ouija board (LINK)
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
very cool color search thing
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Rodrigez twins get endorsement from the Fonz (Election Material)
See more Ron Howard videos at Funny or Die
Thursday, October 23, 2008
sweetest and saddest thing i've seen in a while.
if you don't need tissues for this, you have no soul. Big Bird singing at Jim Henson's funeral.
global warming, schmobile warning
a video from 1958 talking about man's effect on the climate and the catastrophic results of global warming
scotch tape emit's x-rays

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
iwantsiwantsiwantsiwants: chain body jewelry

Monday, October 20, 2008
are you using that? i'm making some basketball shoes.

Sunday, October 19, 2008
COUNT IT! Powell officially endorses Obama
republican former secretary of state has announced that he is officially backing barack obama for the presidency. he has said that he believes in obama's ability to handle the current financial crisis and war. he also mentioned that he believe's mccain's character attack strategy against obama has gone too far. in summary, politics involve a certain level of going against each other, but mccain's attempts to creative a visible and damning link of obama to ayers, and the actions ayers took when obama was only 8 years old, go past the line of acceptable politicking.

moar funny pictures

moar funny pictures
Friday, October 17, 2008
we are all of khan's children...
this is a bit of an older article, but i was just reading that 8% of ALL asian men are related to genghis khan.
From the
"...a study in 2003 suggested that up to 16 million people worldwide — and 8 per cent of Asian men — were descended from Genghis Khan, and Professor Sykes decided to trawl through his database of approximately 25,000 male clients for a match.
The link is revealed by the Y chromosome, a packet of DNA that determines male sex, which is passed down from father to son. Men who share a Y chromosome are invariably descended from the same man at some point in the past, and the accumulation of mutations can be used to date the common ancestor. Women do not have a Y chromosome, so they cannot be tested in the same way, although millions are likely also to be descended from the warlord. "
he was a total badass and he can't go to the mall anymore.
From the
"...a study in 2003 suggested that up to 16 million people worldwide — and 8 per cent of Asian men — were descended from Genghis Khan, and Professor Sykes decided to trawl through his database of approximately 25,000 male clients for a match.
The link is revealed by the Y chromosome, a packet of DNA that determines male sex, which is passed down from father to son. Men who share a Y chromosome are invariably descended from the same man at some point in the past, and the accumulation of mutations can be used to date the common ancestor. Women do not have a Y chromosome, so they cannot be tested in the same way, although millions are likely also to be descended from the warlord. "
he was a total badass and he can't go to the mall anymore.
top snacking cheeses of the day

- Maytag Blue Cheese: an american cheese. classic and creamy blue cheese with soft veining (unlike cambazola, where the veins are so firm that they can actually stand up on their own. ew.). this cheese is easily found in most grocery stores in the fine cheese section (usually near the deli).
- Drunken Goat: a spanish cheese. more of a firmer cheese than regular goat cheese (like a very smooth gouda), this has been soaked in red wine. when you bite in, the first taste that you get is a more solid goat cheese flavor that's tangy and sweet with a firm but silky smooth texture. the after taste is where you get a hit of wine. this cheese can be found in many grocery stores, but it has become more limited. your local cheese shop would probably have it.
- Beemster: glory of the Dutch, this cheese has a creamy start and a firm bite. tastes like a cooler temperature cheese and is an amazing snacking cheese that i can eat all day long. the website can help you locate it. this one is slightly harder to find, but oh, so rewarding if you can locate it.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
i really don't know what to think about this: the sleeping bag shaped like your body

buy one here: LINK
cool advertising, with a good message

if you're that guy i know that doesn't plan on voting, please reconsider. or you could download some of these really cool images that remind you not to vote.
Don't Vote
Friday, October 3, 2008
washingtonpost reveals identity of "famous person". it's like if you wait long enough for the end credits. reveals the "famous person" is actually Peggy Noonan of the Wall Street Journal, who hasn't historically thought much of our can-do, flute-playing maverickette.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
that part of alaska where you can see russia from your window: little diomede
in mother little diomede, ocean acts as dumpster
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
kkk to go to tonight's presidential debate and hand out pamphlets

what all this says about the KKK:
- the KKK has started thinking of african americans really as more of hapless puppy/kittens than the equivalent of a plague on American society. upgrade or downgrade for the KKK? i suppose it's a significant change from where they've been, but it's more puzzling than it is comforting.
- the KKK thinks of themselves as really more of a social "club" than a hate organization. upgrade or downgrade? does this mean instead of hate rallies, now they will have SuperBowl and block parties where they "socialize" with their fellow white supremesists?
- the KKK not wearing their white hoods and robes is like a red smurf. if you're going to stand for the legacy of the unacceptance of minorities as human, part of that legacy is wearing ensemble. if you're going to talk the talk, walk the walk, people.
MCCain Wins Debate with help of Doc Brown
NOTE: i have friends that don't pay attention to politics (and i don't even, really) but the first presidential debate between mccain and obama is not happening until tonight.
Thursday, September 25, 2008

see Sarah Palin pictures
if you enjoy humor and laughing, go to this site (brought to you by those cheezburger folks)
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
you didn't need to know facts: hot dogs
cheaper hot dogs are mostly chicken
- 7-11 sells 100 million hot dogs each year, making it the #1 North American hot dog retailer
- the cheese dog was invented in little rock, arkansas
- in chile, the local dog is called the "italiano" and is served with avocado, mayonaise, and tomato
- the Bambino reportedly gorged himself on a dozen to 18 hot dogs before blacking out on a train ride in April 1925. And a week later he was at St. Vincent’s Hospital in New York, undergoing surgery for an intestinal abscess
- The first words Mickey Mouse ever uttered in a cartoon were “hot dogs” (in “The Karnival Kid, 1929)
- dirty harry doesn't like ketchup or catsup on hot dogs
- BONUS: ketchup is the great, great, great, great, great, (etc) grandchild of an asian fish sauce (tomato sauce that evolved over time)
- The Webster's Dictionary of 1913 defined "catchup" as a "table sauce made from mushrooms, tomatoes, walnuts, etc. [Written also ketchup].
Monday, September 22, 2008
my review of 'p.s. i love you'

about the acting: was fine. it got by, except the irish accent on that guy who died on 'grey's anatomy'. if he's irish, i still wouldn't believe it.
about the script: i'd like to read the book now, especially since hillary swank isn't my favorite.
about the actors: good eye candy for the ladies, but there is something unappealing about hillary swank. oh, and harry connick junior is seriously losing his appeal. he was the equivalent of screech in this movie, but not on purpose.
when to watch: when your significant other is gone for the day, but will be back soon enough so that you can sit and appreciate how great they are and hope they don't have a brain tumor.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
i laugh at others misfortune.
i've discovered a new blog from the folks that brought you
the general idea: pictures and video's of failure, whether it be big, small, painful, silly, etc.
the general idea: pictures and video's of failure, whether it be big, small, painful, silly, etc.

facts you didn't need to know.
Friday, September 19, 2008
major labels on the new myspace music: pwned

- myspace made a partnership with Universal, Sony BMG and Warner (there are currently talks to get EMI as a part of that list).
- myspace music will let music fans to stream music for free, within an ad-supported environment, and purchase MP3's from Amazon
- future of myspace music: merch and tix sales
- the good: free music and a platform the major labels feel comfortable with
- the bad: indie labels are now being blocked from uploading music. from what i can gather, since major labels may have territorial rights to pieces of indie music (which is common), audible magic, the technology used by myspace music, assumes the music is owned by the major label and prevents anyone else from trying to upload it and the major label acquires all royalties over the indie label
from martha's blog: martha and my grandma have the same taste in "coolness"

effectively, it's hacky sack for your hands. which is really only for people like joe from "family guy".
need more proof this isn't cool? here's a sample of a comment left by someone on Martha's blog: "We got these at a homeschool conference May 2007. The kids loved them."
Aren't those the kids that don't bother with school because they are allergic to having friends and are afraid of the social food chain?
FACT: martha's taste and myachi are not cool
oh, and let's not forget that awful poncho she knitted.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
me likey shopping site: A+R Store

to right are gorgeous wood, laser cut coasters
very cool stuff: LINK
google one step closer to digital world domination

android is a mobile operating system based on Linux. LINK to more about android.
really interested in this stuff? learn more about the open handset alliance (group of business determined to open standards for mobile handsets) HERE
LINK to NYTimes blurb
Monday, September 15, 2008
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