i need to remember that right now is great for all the things i can do/continue doing that involve not being pregnant or being completely childless:
- travel: i need to go to Thailand and eat street food
- travel: i need to go back to sonoma, drink wine, and have bachelorette party II: we have no babies
- inhale chunks of blue cheese and raw fish sushi
- eat random food, no questions asked
- regularly drink beer, and the occasional shot
- sleep on my stomach
- sleep through the night
- buy clothes/shoes/handbags that i have no intention of ever using
- learn how to do the trapeze with amy
- not have pain or scarring in/around my gentle zone
- get in street fights
- curse like a drunken sailor
- get home when i feel like it
- sleep in
- eat all the cake in the house
- drink coffee like its beauty/brains tonic
- pretend to want to go on a diet
- play xbox/wii and not have to let anyone else play (except jeff, occassionally)
- quit my job (whatever job i have at that moment)
the scary thing is, i know these things and i still have baby fever.
writing this has just made me decide that i will do at least one anti-baby fever activity per day that i'm not with child. if you read this and think of anything i missed, let me know. xo
A few more items for the list:
- take advil/tylenol/legal or illegal drug of choice as desired
- not have to go to the bathroom every 20 minutes
- leave the house with just a wallet and keys- no diaper bag/stroller/carseat/infant
Maybe repeating the list over and over will help me too. Jody can only hope. Speaking of which, when is Bachelorette party II: we have no babies edition happening?
luv, your sis in law
Let's see:
1. Eat lunch meat. That's a new no-no I found out about this year.
2. Be on time.
3. Speak in full sentences.
As I discover more, I will add them to the list.
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