her book, Save the Males, in a nutshell: the current culture is all about man-hate. society thinks men are pretty useless because:
- women are going off and bogarting all the parenting through single parenthood
- education has been reformed to make women happy over the past 20 years
- men are seen as criminals in family court
- being a man doesn't automatically make you honorable anymore
- they aren't women (if men aren't like us in the way they act, look, smell, etc., they are evil
now, i've hated my share of men in my time, but i think my hate is equal to my dislike of most people. my hatred knows no gender, color, religion, creed, etc. not only that, but i have a hard time thinking society* was asking for pete wentz or his large investments in urban decay cosmetics. society* definitely isn't asking to be knocked up and taken on maury povich. society* thinks Kim Basinger is just as bad a parent as Alec Baldwin. and being masculine makes you masculine, not honorable. hell, jason voorhees from friday the 13th was masculine, but "honorable" is not an adjective i'd apply to him.
is this because i made my husband wear spanx and a garter belt at our wedding? because that was TOTALLY his choice, not mine.
ugh. i think if she wants her husband or sons (she has two and that's how she got on this "stop hating men" crusade) to stop stretching out her bloomers, she should really just leave a post-it, buy some lumberjack gear, every movie sylvester stallone has made (including "stop or my mom will shoot") and call it a day.
P.S. she thinks people will have unfair assumptions about her book but "Once people actually read the book, they're surprised to see all the dots; once they connect them, they want to move Thailand." can anyone explain that to me? i mean, i love thailand, but what about burma, or even india? nepal?
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