i just read an article about a bullet shortage in america. apparently, when dem's enter the white house, guns & ammo officially become the hottest fashion accessories since the tshirt clip (to jog your memory: LINK). in an average year, there are about 7 billion rounds of ammunition, but this year, the figure will be closer to 9 billion rounds, according to an NRA spokesperson. bullet makers are having all kinds of trouble keeping up with demand. with the high demand, the price of lead is also making its way up. this problem will not keep me up at night. we're in a shit economy, so i have to admit that it's nice to hear when an industry is thriving. it does, however, make me think of something chris rock says in "bigger & blacker".
"Everybody is talking about gun control. Got to control the guns. Fuck, that, I like guns. If you've got a gun, you don't need to work out! Cause, I ain't working out. I ain't jogging. No, I think we need some bullet control. I think every bullet should cost five thousand dollars. Five thousand dollars for a bullet. Know why? Cos if a bullet cost five thousand dollars, there'd be no more innocent by-standers. That'd be it. Some guy'd be shot you'd be all 'Damn, he must've done something, he's got fifty thousand dollars worth of bullets in his ass!' And people'd think before they shot someone 'Man I will blow your fucking head off, if I could afford it. I'm gonna get me a second job, start saving up, and you a dead man. You'd better hope I don't get no bullets on lay-away!' And even if you get shot you wouldn't need to go to the emergency room. Whoever shot you'd take their bullet back. 'I believe you got my property?'"
mr. rock, i think you're on to something. remind me to open a bullet shop next time a dem is elected into office. momma needs a new house.
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